Did ANY taxpaying citizen voter know that we pay (or at least-HAVE paid!) for the upkeep of a rifle range 'deep in the bowels' of Westminster? At the moment I am trying to find out more about this 'necessary' expenditure in these times of 'austerity'!
It may be that there is NO LONGER such a 'facility' but finding information about it is proving less than easy. The nearest I have come is checking out a speech a while back in which Nick Clegg rails at parliament having a rifle range but not a Nursery! I was able to find a mini discussion on a LibDem blog in which someone purpoting to be a civil servant in Westminster had used the range!
Could it be that ....... since the clampdown on expenses frauds ...... MPs are running 'inservice courses' on bank robbery?:-)
I have just finished reading the chapter on 'Final Steps - How to be Ennobled'
I really liked the first line;-
'The House of Lords is the ideal rest home for the tired, disillusioned or clapped out.'
Personally, I would have added 'VERY expensive taxpayer funded' between 'ideal' and 'rest'!
But you can just call me 'picky'!