Those nice folks in New Zealand continue to have problems with their MPs and one or two dubious expenses! - It's nice, in a way, to know that it is not JUST our lot who can't be trusted! The difference is that, in New Zealand, at least one politician is trying to do something about it! Surprise! Surprise! He is having problems from other politicians! One of the politicians in the New Zealand parliament had, according to one comment left for the article, been in the UK parliament for two years!!! - If this is true ........ enough said!!
I picked up this article on the website. As usual, I felt the need to leave a comment!
Read the artice by clicking on the link below:-
Meanwhile....................... back at the ranch in the UK..................... one of those from the Fraudsters' Parliament is trying to sue The Telegraph for defamation! ....... Wait for it! ..... he is claiming that, because of a Telegraph story concerning the MPs' fiddles.... OOOPs!.... I mean the MPs' expenses story...., his 'reputation' has been;-
'..gravely injured, and that he has been embarrassed and upset, and been brought into public scandal, odium and contempt.'
Public scandal!................. Odium! ............................. Contempt!.......................
Should not, then, ever single MP in The Fraudsters' Parliament be suing at least 3-400 other MPs in that once august body for their actions since said actions have led to .....Public scandal!................. Odium! ............................. Contempt!.......................?
And what about that wicked individual (whoever he is!) who has suggested that the definition of The Fraudsters' Parliament could (allegedly) be:-
The largest single concentration of shysters, con artists and fraudsters this side of prison bars!'
Find out more about the article by clicking on the link below which will take you to the appropriate page in the website. (Please note: for some reason, unknown to man nor beast , there is a lot of blank space at the top of the page for this article! Just scroll down the page and you will find the headline and the article!)
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