Tuesday, 15 December 2009

The Fraudsters' Parliament - 3

I have to admit that the more I delved into the fraudulent attitude that MPs appeared to have towards their allowances and expenses, the more annoyed I became.
The Metropolitan Police Commissioner had, apparently asked the parliamentary organisation supposedly policing MPs' behaviour (later to be dubbed the 'Parliamentary Watchpoodle'!) why the matter had not been referred to the police... to no avail.
I fired off a letter to the Metropolitan Police! Note that this letter was not exactly alive with legal knowledge or jargon....... It was, however, a bona fide letter of complaint from a taxpaying citizen! ....... I think it would be fair to say that our boys in blue (Met Division) did not exactly leap into action!!

Metropolitan Police Commissioner
Metropolitan Police Service
New Scotland Yard

11th March 2008

Subject: Alleged embezzlement of public funds by an MP

Dear Sir,
As a tax paying UK citizen, I am writing to confirm my question, made earlier by email, asking if a police investigation into the recent allegations of alleged embezzlement of public funds by an MP has been initiated.

If such an investigation has not yet been initiated, as a tax paying citizen, I am requesting that such an investigation be initiated.

Please consider this to be a formal complaint against any party who may have acted illegally.

I appreciate that you have asked why the parliamentary authorities have not requested action by the Metropolitan Police, with little positive response from those authorities.

Yours faithfully,

John L. Bell

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